Pass your PADI specialty or your Master in Guadeloupe with Atlantis Formation.

Rédigé le Wednesday, August 6th 2014 à 22:16 | Lu 2101 fois

Are you sometimes bored under water? Then it is probably time to choose a PADI specialty.
With Specialty Dives, you can rediscover the lost sensations and test new things underwater.

Wreck dive Guadeloupe
Wreck dive Guadeloupe
When and How to Pass a PADI Specialty Course ?
In general, after Open Water, you can specialize. Some "Spe" are available in the Open Water, others after the PADI Adventure or Advanced.

If you loved wreck diving, then why not learn more? The same goes for night diving or drift diving.

Most specialties are done in 2, 3 or 4 dives, therefore can be done in 1 to 2 days.

Night Dives Guadeloupe
Night Dives Guadeloupe
Atlantis Formation Specialties
Atlantis Formation offers a wide range of specialties.

• Wreck
• Drift
• Multilevel and Computer
• Development of Buoyancy
• Use of Digital Cameras
• Night
• Deep

Master Scuba Diver Course
Master Scuba Diver Course
The Master Scuba Diver course

This is the highest qualification in PADI.
It reflects experience and an ability to adapt underwater

To obtain Scuba Diver Master, you must already have:

Advanced PADI (or equivalent)
Rescue PADI(or equivalent)
5 different PADI Specialties

Rates and Services
ATLANTIS FORMATION offers comprehensive training;

• € 155 (2 dives)
• € 215 (3 dives)
• € 275 (4 dives)
- Certification fees included.

MASTER SCUBA DIVER 760 € (15 dives)

- Certification fee within 5 Specialties included.
ATLANTIS FORMATION ensures effective and comprehensive training to make you an respectful and experienced diver.

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